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Ethics and Transparency


The Code of Conduct expresses the Group’s commitment to operate not only in accordance with the laws and regulations currently in force but also with certain principles and rules of conduct of an ethical nature.


The application of the following principles is guaranteed by the existence of procedures within the Group aimed at ensuring that its employees, internal bodies and third parties acting on its behalf, operate effectively in accordance with ethical principles.


This version of the Code has been approved by the Board of Directors of Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., in 2021. This constitutes an official Group document and as such is binding upon all the bodies, employees, consultants, collaborators, agents and, at a more general level all third parties acting on behalf of the Group.


In order to uphold the high legal and moral standards of the Group, Chiesi also adopted an Anti-Bribery Policy. The purpose of this policy is to provide anyone acting on behalf of or in the interests of Chiesi with a series of general principles on how to recognise and deal with situations involving corruption and how to comply with related regulations.


Supply Chain Sustainability

The UN Global Compact defines Supply Chain sustainability as “the management of environmental, social, and economic impacts, and the encouragement of good governance practices throughout the lifecycles of goods and services”.


This definition underscores the importance of sharing sustainability principles throughout companies’ relationships, as one of the most relevant elements to enable the spread of sustainable principles.


We are committed to managing our supply chain in the most responsible way. If we really want our sustainable business model to work, and to be a model for real change, we are aware of the importance of our network’s engagement. For this reason, the management of the supply chain and the sharing of our principles becomes ever more relevant in driving efficiency in our work.


As a Benefit Corporation we believe in interdependence. We co-designed and co-drafted our Code of Interdependence in collaboration with our strategic suppliers, evolving the concept of supply chain to the one of Ecosystem, where we recognize that each of us is indispensable to the other in a process of mutual learning and co-evolution.


We were inspired by the most advanced movements and frameworks in the Pharmaceutical Industry and beyond, ie PSCI, B Corp, ILO and the United Nations’ SDGs.


We recognize the urgency to act. This document is a practical tool that Chiesi itself and all actors in our Ecosystem can use in order to evolve towards being a more sustainable and inclusive company for the Pharmaceutical Industry and for a better world.


Finally, we structured the document to valorize the various level of integration of sustainability that companies can have. We provide a set of topics that shall be integrated by all of us. It can be now or through a clear commitment and a transparent plan. But we also provided a set of improvement actions that the most advanced of us can follow to push integration of sustainability practices even further.


We believe together we can act to create the best “purpose driven” Ecosystem in the pharma industry.



As a member of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) Chiesi is fostering transparency on the interaction between the pharmaceutical industry and health care professionals & organisations according EFPIA, as well as all national legal regulations, as we are convinced to be independent partners with the same goal: cooperation and exchange of knowledge, as well as research and development without tortious interference or influence.


Disclosure DATA by 30th June 2017 for the period since 1st of January 2016, will be found at each homepage our affiliates.



  • Donations and grants to HCO, HCP’s organisations and associations, organisations providing healthcare;
  • Costs related to Events: registration fees, sponsorship agreements, travel and accommodation;
  • Fees for Service and Consultancy to HCPs and HCOs: fees and related expenses must be disclosed separately. This is only applicable, when the HCPs or HCOs have provided their consent on the individual disclosure, otherwise the data needs to be published in the aggregated disclosure data.



  • R&D costs: including costs for related events (investigators’ meetings, etc);
  • Transfers of value which cannot be disclosed on an individual basis for legal reasons


For more questions on the EFPIA or PHARMIG transparency codes or concerning a disclaimer or revocation of your consent to the individual disclosure, please do not hesitate to contact us ( compliance.CEE@chiesi.com ) or our affiliates.